I told myself when I started writing this thing that I would make a point to post once a week. In my mind, that post once a week would give me an excuse to try the unknown, or to expand my understanding in something familiar. Then I realized, life. My absence the last two weeks were due to life. I moved back to Buffalo. I'm currently settling into a new home with new roommates along with a new job with all new responsibilities. In just the last four weeks, I couldn't be happier with my decision to move back... although my bank account disagrees.
Moving is costly. Especially when you host a garage sale six months prior and sell close to all of your household items. A majority of my money has gone towards rent, toilet paper, and Aldi's, which leaves little to none for my bedroom decor to really feel at home. I splurged on this (pictured below) beautiful rug from Wayfair, which left me with some inspiration for my bare walls.

Which brings me to the point of this post: $15 or less DIY Yarn Wall Hanging
Step 1: Take a trip to your local craft store and pick up 3-5 (bundles?) of yarn and a wooden dowel, size of your choice. Or, if you're unlike me and live in a nice suburban area with fall foliage at your disposal, take advantage of those beautiful branches that have fallen to the ground. Or even a copper pipe, really, get creative. You'll also need to grab some scissors.

Step 2: Measure the length you want your string to hang and double it (this is where most people utilize a ruler or a measuring tape.)
Step 3: Lay it over your pole of choice where the yarn doubles and forms a loop.

Step 4: Pull the other end of string through the loop to form a knot.

Step 5: Pull it tight to finalize your knot. Continue these steps forming the color/texture pattern you'd like your piece to display.

Step 6: You'll need to hang the piece. Cut an additional (longer) piece of yarn and tie it to each end of the pole.
Step 7: Cut the ends of the yarn anyway you prefer.I left mine as is because I liked the inconsistencies in length throughout (optional.)
Step 8: Hang it up and enjoy!